人教版新课标必修1 Unit 4 Reading(part 1) 教学设计
作者:孺子牛英语工作室 金币:1 更新时间:2012-10-23 点击数:1413

资源介绍:稿件由三部分组成: lead-in部分用几句简短的话,或对教材内容进行归纳总结,或提出一个值得思考的问题,以将学生的注意力吸引到课堂中来。questions and answers的部分则是根据教材内容提出一系列前后连贯的问题,既包括教师对教材内容的解读,对作者思想情感的体会或对文章教育意义的把握。a possible version部分是将答案组织整理后可能形成的一段话或一篇文章,供老师们参考。在这一问一答过程中,教师的教学变得自然、流畅,一气呵成,让英语教学变得更轻松。

1. Lead-in to the passage
A night is a quiet time for people to go to bed, but on the night of July 28 1976 when all the people in Tang Shan were asleep a terrible disaster woke them up. They were shocked to find that many of their families were killed; their city was destroyed and thousands of people became homeless. Let’s read the lesson and see what happened on that sleepless night of terror.

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