高一英语外研版必修1Module 1 Grammar Revision of the Present Tenses 教学设计
作者:凝语工作室 金币:0 更新时间:2011-10-31 点击数:2093

这是高一英语外研版必修1module 1的语法教学设计,此设计步骤齐全,讲解详细,既有语法规则的讲解,也有例句,还有配套练习进行巩固。这个设计既可供老师上课使用,也可供学生学习参考。

 Teaching aims

1) to revise the present tenses 2) to help the students to learn some forms of one word ,in order to introduce something about word-formation

Teaching methods1) Practicing 2) Imitating3) Listening and speaking

Read the sentences in the passage “My first day at Senior High” and answer the questions.
1) I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing .
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