广东2011-12学年九年级第一学期英语阶段测试(Units 7-9)
作者:圆梦工作室 金币:3 更新时间:2011-12-12 点击数:4782

本测试题侧重对学生的基础知识及能力的考查。单选题考查的知识点基本包括了7-9单元的内容。阅读材料内容较丰富,但是设问较全面,比如考查学生的推测能力及文章的理解能力等。看图填词注重图文并茂,结合了这几个单元的重点知识,比如:77小题考查了make it的用法,80小题考查了deaf。

(   ) 26.—This is _______ useful strategy, I think.   —So it is , and it’s _______ unusual one .
A. an , /                        B. an , an                C. a , an                       D. a , a
(  ) 27.Why not consider ________ your money to good use ______ donating it to charity ?
A. spending , in   B. putting, by   C. to put , by    D. to spend , in
(   )28. Please ______ the glass _________ lemonade.
A. fill; with             B. be full; of       C. fill; up              D. be filled; with
(   )29. The girl who ______ the signs there is my cousin.
A. is fixing up           B. fixed up             C. put up            D. is putting up
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