高二英语外研版选修六module 2 reading and vocabulary课件
作者:凝语工作室 金币:1 更新时间:2011-12-02 点击数:2355

这是高二英语外研版选修六module 2 Fantasy Literature关于reading and vocabulary部分的一个课件,有对这篇课文新词的练习和对课文内容的理解,掌握。内容翔实,图片丰富,还有关于语句语法的练习,适合新授课使用,具有很强的可读性和实用性,值得下载。

1 Read the passage from His Dark Materials and number the sentences in the correct order.
2 Match the words and phrases from the passage with their meanings.(p.12)
1 to do things in a particular way
2 without any doubt
3 someone who shows you which direction to go in
4 to jump high into the air or over something
5 to make someone feel afraid
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