高一人教版必修4 Unit 5 随堂练习
作者:致远英语工作室 金币:1 更新时间:2013-06-14 点击数:1161

资源介绍:本文就必修4Unit 5的重点知识通过单词拼写、完成句子、单项选择和短文改错的题型,检测学生所学知识的掌握情况,帮助学生扎实基础,提高能力,同时学会学习。

1.  There were ________ (各种各样的) reasons why he was absent from school.
2.  I have found that there are not many ______ (娱乐活动) in this town.
3.  As you know, the beautiful beaches are the island’s main _____ (吸引人的事物).
4.  The island country depends on ______ (旅游业) for much of its income.
5.  He was anxious to ____ (维护) his reputation(名声).
6.  The explorers didn’t know whether the strange ___ (生物) was human or animal.
7.  Stop looking for the perfect job—it's just a ________ (幻想).
8.  Li Qiang's car broke down on the ____ (高速公路), so he had to call the emergency services.

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