高一人教版必修4 Unit 3 随堂练习
作者:致远英语工作室 金币:1 更新时间:2013-05-30 点击数:1145

资源介绍:本文就必修4Unit 3的重点知识以选词填空、完成句子、单项选择和短文改错的题型对学生掌握情况进行检测,并提供了答案解析。通过检测学生可以了解哪些知识已经掌握,哪些知识有待加强巩固。

feel content with, convince…of…,up to now, be remembered as, in search of, cut off,badly off, star… in…, pick out, treat…as…
1.The Philippine government hasn't apologized for shooting a fisherman from Taiwan ________.
2.The people in the northwestern remote areas are _______ than those in the eastern coastal areas.
3.The young worker had a finger ________ by a machine while working.
4.It took her a long time to ______ a dress for her daughter.
5.Xu Zheng , Wang Baoqiang and Huang Bo ___ the film “Tai Jiong”.

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