外研社高中英语《中国之旅》新标准(选修)Unit 15 Tranquil Days(单元同步测试)
作者:多维导航英语工作室 金币:2 更新时间:2014-09-26 点击数:1607

名师点金:“…away from”考点解析 ⑴be away from远离,缺席不在场; ⑵keep away from远离……,避免接近……; ⑶take away from拿走,没收;减弱,贬低; ⑷run away from逃跑,逃离;从……逃出; ⑸get away from(得以)离开,脱身;摆脱(某人),逃离(某地); ⑹break away from突然挣脱;脱离,背叛(政党、国家等);(尤指赛跑)抢跑,甩掉; ⑺stay away from离开,不接近(某人);不去(某地); She was away from work for a week. 她有一个周没来上班。 I won’t be able to get away from the office before 七点钟之前,我无法离开办公室。" 【考点1】(2014•大纲版)Caroline doesn’t have a gift for music, but she _____ it with hard work. A. goes back on B. takes away from C. makes up for D. catches up with 解析:本题考查动词短语辨析:get back on背弃,违约;take away from减损,贬低;拿走; make up for弥补;catch up with赶上,跟上;依据句意理解,则选项C符合题意。句意:卡洛琳虽然没有音乐天赋,但她靠努力学习弥补这个缺陷。 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.This is a small __________(安静)village beside the sea. 2. People were handing out election l__________ at the station. 3. She soon get used to the hustle and b__________ of city life.

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