作者:滔滔工作室 金币:0 更新时间:2012-04-06 点击数:3426


More and more scientists are interested in learning about dinosaurs(恐龙).They want to find the reasons    41   the dinosurs died out.
Most scientists think that millions of years 42 , dinosaurs could live on the earth happily and safely because the 43 earth was warm and wet at that time. There were green 44 everywhere. Dinosaurs could easily find enough 45 . About 95 million years ago, most of the earth became cold and dry because a little planet hit the earth heavily. As a result, almost all the forests 46 . The dinosaurs couldn't find enough food. Most of them    47 .
But some scientists 48 think so. They think fighting between the animals is the main reason of the dinosaurs' 49 . They think about 95 million years ago, new kinds of animals came to the earth. Most of them had big brains (大脑)and they killed many dinosaurs .Besides, there were also many fights between the dinosaurs. Although these fights happened more than 100 million years ago, 50 we can tell by the animal's footprints (脚印)that fights did take pi ace.

  • 用户名:quickwxy
  • 时间:2012-04-16 21:44:39
  • 本套英语试题,注意到了以下特点: 一、试卷结构简洁、合理,试题类型丰富、多样,难度适中,测试目标明确。 1. 考试时间为120分钟,试卷满分为150分,听力30分,笔试120分。 2. 试卷由听力理解、语言知识运用、口语交际、阅读理解以及书面表达五部分组成。 3. 坚持“立足基础、注重运用、强调能力”的命题思路。试题依据新课标,不出繁、难、偏、怪题。试题特别注重考查学生在一定语境下对语言知识的掌握和运用,渗透“以人为本”的精神,贴近学生、贴近生活、面向世界,结合社会热点、焦点问题,引导学生关注国家、人类、世界的发展。既考查知识,又考查文化,既考查英语知识,又考查跨学科知识;并积极渗透现代科学精神和人文精神。试题在考查学生对所学知识的组织、存储、提取、理解运用、分析综合等能力的基础上,侧重考查他们对知识结构体系的整体领悟能力,同时注意考查他们的创新能力和意识,试题力求科学、灵活、开放、全面,为初中英语教学指明了方向。 整套试题结构合理,难度、效度适中,测试目标明确。